November 6, 2010
I've been hired to record the music for a meditation CD. It's been a great experience and Wednesday last week I finished the track for the first meditation. I thought I should sit and listen to it and try to follow the meditation to hear how the music flowed with it (or not). Right after he said "take a deep breath and exhale," I immediately saw Al off in a distance, standing in a meadow. I wasn't expecting that at all! It was if I was watching as the 3rd party because I saw myself standing next to him. I saw him hug and kiss me. I asked him why he was so far away, and why I haven't been able to feel him around me lately. He said he's always been around, but because I've been grieving him so much lately it has lowered my vibration and I'm not able to sense him. That's also why I'm now seeing him so far away.
Just seeing and connecting with him brought the tears. I had a great cry, which I really needed. Right after that he came close and I began watching from the 1st person viewpoint. He stayed with me through the entire meditation. It was as if he was physically right there. We talked and laughed, goofed around, made jokes. I can't tell you how incredibly good it felt to be with him again. At one point, as we were walking and holding hands, he told me he didn't want me to be alone. He wanted me to find someone to be with. But he would always be here, and he'd definitely be waiting for me when it was my time to cross. But I have a lot of years left here and he didn't want to see me alone.
When the meditation ended I sat in silence for a while, still feeling Al's presence. I said, "I love you, sweetie. I miss you so much. Thank you for the visit today." He was still right there and he said, "I miss you too." He blew me a kiss, then said, "I'll be waiting. Until next time."
Like I said, it was an incredible experience. But once I came back my logical and skeptical mind crept in and I started questioning whether he had really visited me, or if my mind had made it up because I was missing him so much. So I said to Al, "If you really came to me, please send me a heart." In my mind I visualized a crystal heart.
Saturday morning a harp student I haven't seen for over a year called and asked if she could take a lesson that day. I was able to fit her in, and when she arrived she said she felt like she needed to give me something. She handed me a rose quartz crystal shaped in a heart!!! I was totally shocked and amazed. I couldn't hide my reaction, so I had to explain to her. (She's very much into the spiritual and connecting with spirit, so I knew she wouldn't think I was crazy. She also didn't know about Al.) (BTW, rose quartz is often connected with love and the heart.)
After I told her about Al and my meditation experience, she said that there was something else she wasn't going to tell me because she thought it'd be too weird. She said that not only did she feel she needed to give me the crystal heart, but when she was in the store, she felt she needed to buy me a bouquet of flowers. So she figured Al must've wanted me to have flowers too (which is very much like him. He used to bring me flowers.) She said she wanted to buy some for me after her lesson, but I told her it wasn't necessary, it was the message that was important.
So she left feeling really good that she had confirmation she was hearing spirit correctly, and of course I'm bursting with happiness on cloud 9. A couple hours later I went to get something out of my car, and on my doorstep was not one, but 3 humongous, colorful bouquets of flowers, and a potted orchid. Al loved orchids, they were his favorite. A final confirmation that Al was sending me gifts through my harp student.
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