November 12, 2010:
I don't think I've mentioned before that after Al first passed I saw a couple of very good mediums. They had information about Al that I didn't know about and was able to confirm with his sister, so this confirmed there is something to this. I figured I didn't want to continually pay someone to connect with him, so I found a class and learned to be a medium myself. I know that may seem a little out there; okay, maybe a lot out there to some of you. But the thing is, I've been able to connect with those that have crossed over (died). I've helped complete strangers connect with their loved ones. I get the loved one's name and things about them I have no way of knowing. The person who has come to me to connect with their loved one is as surprised as I am at the accuracy of the information I receive. I always ask the person to not tell me anything about the loved one - their gender, their relationship with them, if they're human or animal - because I want to be sure I'm not being giving unintended clues or information.
Today, I felt Al's presence and asked him what message he wanted to give me. "Love" That's all I got. I then felt guided to pull a stone from my bag of stones with inspirational words on them. There's 14 stones in the bag, each with a different word. The word I pulled: "Love"
So this brings me to the message I want to convey in this post -- Everything I've read says that when someone has crossed over, they continue and their love for us continues. This journey with Al has proven to me first hand that this is true. I also believe we all have the ability to connect with our loved ones, we just have to be open to it.
Hi Aedan! This is a wonderful post and the message that our loved ones are always nearby is very comforting =-)